Online Running can be Therapeutic

If you thought running was a good enough exercise, we have something better for you. This new trend called Online running is way better than running outdoors or even running on a treadmill. Made possible with an app called Vingo, you can go on virtual adventures with the app and explore the whole world, without moving…

What Is Motion Style Acupuncture Treatment?

Motion Style Acupuncture Treatment (MSAT) is a less known form of acupuncture. It is focused on pain reduction and increased mobility. Could it work for you? This article explains What Is Motion Style Acupuncture Treatment? What Is Motion Style Acupuncture Treatment? Motion Style Acupuncture Treatment (MSAT) is a form of acupuncture where the patient engages…

Plant-Based Vegan Protein Sources

Following a plant-based diet is becoming more common. Despite what many think, getting enough nutrients, such as protein, is very possible with a primarily plant-based diet. This article answers what are sources of Plant-based, vegan protein?  Fitness Goals and Vegan Protein This means that those with strength training goals, such as muscle building, can achieve…

What Is DOMS? About Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS, is muscle pain and stiffness that begins long after you’ve worked out. Does exercise make your muscles achy and stiff for days? Don’t stop exercising! This article explains what is DOMS and how to mitigate Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Pain felt immediately after…

Keeping Your Spine Healthy While You Work at Home

Working at home has a lot of advantages, but it has its downsides as well. With greater flexibility in your day also comes the responsibility of setting goals for yourself, and long work hours sometimes come at the expense of a healthy spine and good posture. Fortunately, there are many factors you can control to…