Hair Care

How to Maintain Healthy Hair? Do any oils make hair grow faster? What foods or vitamins make for healthier hair? How can hair grow out fast? Those are some of the hair care questions Beauty Wellness Fusion wants to answer. There are many aspects to keeping hair beautiful, strong and healthy.

The internet is filled with ways to grow longer, stronger hair and how to keep that hair in healthy condition. How do you choose what hair care advise is right for you? And should your hair care routine change over time or because of certain life events?

We examine hair care issues such as:

  • How to grow out long, strong, healthy hair
  • DIY hair care recipes
  • Lazy hair hack to keep hair well hydrated
  • Deep conditioning
  • What kind of hair benefits from Coconut Oil and what kind of hair doesn’t.
  • How to cope with hair loss
  • How to condition damaged hair
  • Hair care for colored hair
  • Home-made hair mask recipes
  • Hair care for gray or white hair
  • What oil works best for your hair type and why
  • Why hair turning gray changes your hair care program
  • What makes hair brittle
  • Recovering from over processing hair
  • How to fix brassy hair
  • Meeting the needs of coarse hair
  • Hair care tips
  • Safe hair color removal